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Boeken > PHP & (My)SQL > Teach Yourself PHP in 24 hours

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Titel van het boek: Teach Yourself PHP in 24 hours
Auteur(s): Matt Zandstra
Prijs: € 23 ,0
Jaar van uitgave: 2003
Aantal pagina's: 547
ISBN: 0-672-32619-1

Uitgeverij: SAMS
Website: http://www.samspublishing.com

een van de weinige boeken, tot nu toe, waarin Object-oriented PHP5 aan bod komt.

Ideaal als naslagwerk of voor de ervaren programmeur die de syntax van PHP wil leren kennen.

(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary. Q&A. Workshop. and Exercise.)
Introduction. I. GETTING STARTED.
Hour 1. PHP: From Home Page to Web Enterprise. What Is PHP? What Need Does PHP Fulfill? What's New in PHP 5. The Zend Engine. Why Choose PHP? What's New in This Edition.
Hour 2. Installing PHP. Platforms, Servers, Databases, and PHP. Where to Find PHP and More. Installing PHP for Linux and Apache. Some configure Options. Configuring Apache. php.ini. Help!
Hour 3. A First Script. Our First Script. Combining HTML and PHP. Adding Comments to PHP Code. II. THE LANGUAGE.
Hour 4. The Building Blocks. Variables. Data Types. Operators and Expressions. Constants.
Hour 5. Going with the Flow. Switching Flow. Loops. Code Blocks and Browser Output.
Hour 6. Functions. What Is a Function? Calling Functions. Defining a Function. Returning Values from User-Defined Functions. Dynamic Function Calls. Variable Scope. Saving State Between Function Calls with the static Statement. More About Arguments. Creating Anonymous Functions. Testing for Function Existence.
Hour 7. Arrays. What Is an Array? Creating Arrays. Associative Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays. Accessing Arrays. Manipulating Arrays. Sorting Arrays. Functions Revisited.
Hour 8. Working with Strings. Formatting Strings. Investigating Strings. Manipulating Strings.
Hour 9. Objects. What Is an Object? Creating an Object. Object Properties. Object Methods. Limiting Access to Object Properties. Limiting Access to Object Methods. Constraining Arguments to Methods with Hints. Inheritance. Testing Classes and Objects. Automatically Loading Include Files with __autoload(). Storing and Retrieving Objects. III. WORKING WITH PHP.
Hour 10. Working with Forms. Superglobal Variables. The _SERVER Array. A Script to Acquire User Input. Importing User Input into Global Scope. Accessing Form Input with User-Defined Arrays. Combining HTML and PHP Code on a Single Page. Using Hidden Fields to Save State. Redirecting the User. File Upload Forms and Scripts.
Hour 11. Working with Files. Including Files with include(). Using include_once() and include_path to Manage Larger Projects. Testing Files. Creating and Deleting Files. Opening a File for Writing, Reading, or Appending. Reading from Files. Reading the Contents of a File with file_get_contents(). Writing or Appending to a File. Writing Data to a File with file_put_contents(). Working with Directories.
Hour 12. Working with the DBA Functions. Beneath the Abstraction. Opening a Database. Adding Data to the Database. Amending Elements in a Database. Reading from a Database. Determining Whether an Item Exists in a Database. Deleting an Item from a Database. Adding Complex Data Structures to a Database. An Example.
Hour 13. Database Integration-SQL. A (Ve

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